Malignant pericardial effusion in lung cancer as an emergent presentation: treatment and prognosis 急诊状态下肺癌伴恶性心包积液的治疗和预后
Other patients had complications that included pericardial effusion requiring re-operation, cardiac arrest, acute rejection, and pneumonia. 其它患者的术后并发症包括:心包渗出需要再次手术、心搏骤停、急性排异反应以及肺炎。
Clinical observation of treatment of massive pericardial effusion by modified indwelling catheter in pericardium 应用改良心包留置导管治疗大量心包积液的临床观察
Objective To evaluate the diagnostic value of echocardiography in patients with pericardial effusion. 目的探讨超声心动图在心包积液诊断中的价值。
Objective To choose an effective surgical procedure for patients with malignant pericardial effusion. 目的:选择适当的手术方法治疗恶性心包积液。
Pericardial Effusion and Cardiac Enzyme Changes Caused by Hypothyroidism 甲状腺功能减退致心包积液及心肌酶改变26例分析
Treatment of malignant pericardial effusion with chemotherapy through percutaneous intrapericardial intubation 经皮心包腔内置管化疗治疗恶性心包积液疗效观察
Management of patients with pericardial effusion by drawing out discontinuously with intrapericardial indwelling tube: Report of 21 cases 心包腔内置管间断抽液治疗心包积液21例临床观察
Clinical evaluation of ultrasound-guided central venous catheter retention in treament of cancerous pericardial effusion 超声引导置管引流治疗恶性心包积液的临床评价
To evaluate the efficacy of the pericardial window by video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery to treat the malignant pericardial effusion. 评价胸腔镜心包开窗术治疗难治性恶性心包积液的效果。
The Evaluation of Pericardial Window by Video-assisted Thoracoscopic Surgery in the Treatment of Malignant Pericardial Effusion 31 cancer patients with symptomatic pericardial effusion were treated by subxiphoid pericardiotomy with simultaneous pleuropericardial window creation. 胸腔镜心包开窗术治疗难治性恶性心包积液的价值31个癌症病人因大量心胞膜积水接受剑突下心包膜切开术及肋膜心包膜开窗术。
Concurrent Cetuximab and Irradiation for Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Head and Neck in Vitro Clinical analysis of combined hyperthermia and radiotherapy for patients with malignant pericardial effusion 西妥昔单抗联合放疗对头颈鳞癌体外治疗的研究体外射频透热配合放射治疗对癌性心包积液的疗效分析
The latter findings strongly suggest the diagnosis of pericardial effusion. 后面的症状强烈提示存在心包积液。
During the period of follow-up, another seventeen patients died, and no death was related to pericardial effusion. 在追踪治疗期间,另外有17个病人死于末期癌症,而这些死亡皆和心胞膜积水无关。
Methods: 32 patients with refractory malignant pericardial effusion underwent pericardial window treatment by video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery. 方法:对32例难治性恶性心包积液患者行胸腔镜心包开窗术。
Conclusion B-Us is of great value in the diagnosis, pericardiocentesis and choice of treatment of pericardial effusion. 结论B超检查对心包积液的诊断、指导穿刺和选择治疗方法等有重要价值。
Pericardiocentesis Placement of Percutaneous Central Venous Catheter Drainage of Pericardial Effusion Experience 经皮心包穿刺置入中心静脉导管引流心包积液的体会
Clinical analysis of combined hyperthermia and radiotherapy for patients with malignant pericardial effusion 体外射频透热配合放射治疗对癌性心包积液的疗效分析
TREATMENT OF TUBERCULOUS PERICARDIAL EFFUSION BY UROKINASE DOUCHING-REPORT OF 10 CASES Clinical evaluation of ultrasound-guided central venous catheter retention in treament of cancerous pericardial effusion 心包穿刺留置中心静脉导管加尿激酶灌洗法治疗结核性心包积液10例临床观察超声引导置管引流治疗恶性心包积液的临床评价
Clinical Research on Nonspecific Pericardial Effusion Treated with Pericardiotomy and Stagger Suture 心包切开错位缝合引流法治疗非特异性心包炎的临床研究
Objective: To estimate the clinical value of serum CK-MB in patients with malignant pericardial effusion. 目的:探讨血清CK-MB检测在癌性心包积液治疗中的临床价值。
The etiology of bloody pericardial effusion was analyzed and its clinical features, treatment and prognosis were discussed as well. 本文着重分析了血性心包积液的病因,并就其临床特点及治疗、预后进行了讨论。
Diagnosis and management of cardiac tamponade and pericardial effusion 大量心包积液和心脏压塞的诊断和治疗
Results: 13 patients with malignant pericardial effusion were treated in this way. 结果:13例患者均为恶性心包积液。
Malignant Pericardial Effusion with 12 Cases Analyzed 癌性心包积液12例临床分析
Index; Pericardial effusion: Clinical and analytical parameters clues 心包积液的临床和分析指标
Objective To study the safety and practicality of pericardial catheter drainage in pericardial effusion. 目的评价心包置管引流治疗心包积液的安全性与实用性。
Results The incidence of cardiac dysfunction in patients with advanced lung cancer was 60%. All patients with malignant pleural effusion and pericardial effusion had cardiac dysfunction. 结果晚期肺癌患者心功能不全的发生率为60%,24例大量恶性胸腔积液和心包积液的患者心功能均为Ⅱ~Ⅳ级。
Malignant pericardial effusion isan important performance in patients with advanced cancer. 恶性心包积液常常为肿瘤晚期的一种重要表现。